Kynuh Relanah
A moon-touched child spared from fate. A young Miqo'te marked by adversity. A woman sharpened as a beautiful blade in its peaceful sheath.
"Well Met, Friend. What brings you forth ?"
So you ask who I am....
Name: Kynuh Relanah
Nickname/Stagename: SnowCat
Age: 24
Race: Moonkeeper Miqo'te
Gender: Female
Eyes: Sky-Blue
Hair: Ice-Blue with white tips
Skintone: Moon-tanned
Build: Fit and sturdy
Personality: Knightly, Dead-pan humor.
Voice: Middle-tone, calm
Origins: Coerthas
Relations: Happily Married to the stunningly beautiful Sahxa Relanah ♥
Home: Lavender BedsA regal SultanSworn of Ul’dah, sworn to lend her support and shield to those in need. Calm of voice, kind of heart, and of a stoic soul. Manners and etiquette are her trademarks, gallant and stalwart her demeanor. Speaketh her name, and she will stand beside you until the end.
Oh, ye of a curious mind....